College isn't difficult, it's all about beating the system. Figuring out what classes to take is your first step to success. This site will help you with finding all the classes guaranteed to get you an "Easy A". Look up your school and find out the "must have" classes for your schedule this semester.

Easy A Classes: Arizona

Arizona State University:

1.  CON 101 - Construction/Culture: A Built Environment (fulfills humanities credit)
2.  MUS 354 - Topic: Elvis
3.  MUS 354 - Topic:
4.  ASB 252 - Anthropology of Sports (fulfills same credit as Western Civ)
5.  DCE 194 - Yoga/Pilates
6.  DCE 194 - Intro to Movement Language Sources
7.  DCE 113 - Dances of Africa
8.  DCE 124 - Ballroom Dancing
9.  ARS 100 - Intro to Art
10.  ARS 250 - History of Photography
11.  ARS 101- Art Pre-History thru Middle Ages

If you know of any that aren't listed or if you know of any from other schools in Arizona or any other state for that matter, feel free to post them in a comment by clicking on the comments link listed directly below.


  1. ARS100 must have changed, it is NOT easy. I'm talking about the online class taught by Prof. Engle.

  2. BIO 112- Why Sex? Was a fun easy class with professor Shaffer!! He is the best online professor I have ever had! Got an A in the class and I am terrible at science.

  3. DO NOT take ARS 101 or 102 unless required for your major they stupid hard for a lower level art history class.
